Wednesday, April 7, 2010
It may seem like an impossible task to set a goal, or maybe you have too many things you want to do and you can't decide which to aim for. Some people feel that if they set a goal and work towards it, they may change their mind and end up with nothing. The most important thing is to stick to your goal. Even if it gets you somewhere that doesn't help your circumstances, at least you know you have the ability to reach it.
Reaching goals gives you the confidence to set new, bigger and better goals. When you feel like you can do something, you're more motivated to do it. If you continue to accomplish things you can set more and more goals until you are extremely successful. For example, you set a goal to get to level 5 in piano. Once you reach that goal you feel like you can accomplish other things like playing guitar, or even singing. And motivation from all these things to keep trying and moving on to better things.
When you have a goal, you have a place to go. There is a destination ahead of you and when you reach it you will feel the pride of getting there and know you can keep moving forward. Without a goal you're just wandering around taking what's given to you and hoping for the best. But you will never be the best or truly good at something unless you aspire to do so. Without a goal you are always second best, you will never go above and beyond.
If you don't know where you are going, you will get lost. I believe that everyone should have a goal so they never get lost in life. Goal setting is the key to success in all things you try.
You got to be careful if you don't know where you're going, because you might not get there.
-Yogi Berra
I commented on Olivia's blog post.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
The Lone Nut
Have you ever wanted to start something, but you were too afraid to? Were you unsure if people would follow and catch on? Most people feel this way when they want to start something, but if you are too afraid to start it, chances are other people will be too and nothing will happen.
Everyone thinks that the person who really makes a difference is the one who starts the trend or idea, and sure they may have started it, but it would be nowhere if it weren't for the first followers. Once there is some followers people may realize it is "cool" and they will catch on too. The people multiply after that and soon it becomes uncool to not follow.
For example, one day a girl comes to school wearing a pink ribbon to support breast cancer research. Everyone thinks she is weird at first for wearing this ribbon because it's not making a difference. She keeps wearing the ribbon anyways, despite a group of people who make fun of her. Soon, some friends join in and wear the ribbons, and then friends of friends until a whole bunch of people at the school are wearing it. Now so many people wear these ribbons that the group who made fun of her before start wearing them too. It has become the new fashion trend. And this is how it starts. The leader is the spark of the fire, but the first few followers are the gasoline poured on top to make the whole thing ignite until it is spread to everyone.
So in my opinion, being the first follower is just as good as being a leader, and you should never be afraid to be these things, because sometime soon, whatever you start will become the big thing, and people will look back and connect it to you. Don't be afraid to make a difference :)
I commented on Maddie's blog post.