Everyone knows and loves a good hot chocolate or coffee from Tim Horton’s or Starbucks. It’s the world’s boost of energy when they start their day. But which one is better?
Starbucks. It’s known around the world for it’s unique drinks and nutritious goals. Starbucks supports good causes, such as fresh water in developing countries, helping cure HIV/Aids, Youth Action, and it has a whole section of the company devoted to making the Earth more green and saving the environment. They support recycling and saving energy, so when you buy a drink from Starbucks, not only are you quenching your thirst, you are also making us one step closer to solving world issues. Though Tim Horton's is delicious, it doesn't come close to having the same greatness as Starbucks.
As a Canadian, I’m proud to have Tim Horton’s, a restaurant that sells sandwiches, bagels, doughnuts, hot drinks, and their signature Timbits, and it is unique to Canada. But if told to choose, I would definitely go with Starbucks over Tim Horton’s. The selection at Starbucks is much wider, and every drink is unique. They also have tons of healthy food there, as well as cakes and muffins. It’s the package deal and people all over the world love it. One day Tim Horton's may rise to the top and become the most popular beverage/snack company in the world, but for now, Starbucks claims that prize.
I commented on Harley's blog.