You tell yourself you're just signing in to check your notifications, you'll be in and out in 5 minutes. You know you are lying to yourself though, and sure enough, one of your friend has posted some new pictures that you just HAVE to check out. You notice a girl you don't know in one of those pictures, so you decide to check out her profile. Soon you are caught in a frenzy and have to force yourself to shut off you computer after what was supposed to be 5 minutes, turned into an hour.
Facebook is used to connect with friends, whether you are having a live chat or just posting on each others walls. There is also an application called inbox, which is just like emailing. So really, if you have Facebook, there is no need for MSN or an email account. Facebook is also used to post pictures of you and your friends, and you can tag everyone in it, so that everyone knows exactly who is in the picture. There are many other applications on Facebook that suck up your time and attention. Though Facebook is really useful for staying connected, it also has many downfalls.
Too many students spend all their free time on Facebook, and then never get their homework done. I am one of them. It's addicting, and I can't help myself. On average I would guess that I spend about 2 hours on Facebook every night, and about 4 hours on all social networking put together. Social networking, especially Facebook, has gone crazy in the past few years, and something needs to be done about the amount of time teens spend online.
I commented on Maddie's blog.
Katie all of what you said is so true. People do spend a lot of time on facebook and its just not good.